Q: What if I have a standing pond or water source on my property what should be done?
A: If you have standing water on your property call us and we can schedule a time to come out and take a look at the water sources. If it does need to be treated for mosquito larvae we will provide a permission slip for you to fill out granting the district permission to enter the property to treat the water sources.
Q: What if I have honey bees on my property?
A; If you have honey bees located on your property the district would like to know so we can place a boundary of 300 ft to keep them safe.
Q: Do all mosquitoes bite?
A: No, female mosquitoes are the ones that bite. They bite for the nutrients found in the blood to make eggs.
Q: How is West Nile transmitted?
A: West Nile comes from infected birds, mosquitoes transmit the virus from the bird to humans and horses.