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What does the Vector Control do?

The Vector Control District was esablished to monitor the presents of West Nile in Malheur County. 

Why do we do it?

Our mission is to treat and protect the greater Malheur County area from the West Nile Virus. We take every step possible to treat, abate, and test mosquitoes for the West Nile Virus. 

What gets treated/ sprayed and with what?

The mosquito that can transmit the West Nile Virus are known as Culex (tarsalis, pipens) These type of mosquitoes can lay eggs in fresh or stagnet water sources, i.e barrels, ornamental ponds, unmaintained swimming pools, cow tracks, marshes, and ditches. 

The vector control applies larvicides that has Bacillus sphaericus which targets mosquito larvae and  is a biolarvicide that is found natually in soil and aquatic habitats and poses no harmful effects to the public. Vectomax Label Metalarva S-PT Granular

When the vector control conducts fogging applications during the months of June- late August they rely on mosquito trapping data to understand what type of mosquitoes are in the area. The product that is sprayed in towns and outter reaches is a Ultra-Low-Volume fog. The wind speed has to stay above 0 mph and 10 mph and has to be above 50 degrees in temprature.  PermaSease 4-4 Label

How can the public help? 

Use repellent any time you are outdoors, wear long sleeved clothing, remove standind water from areas around the home, remove old tires or drill holes if they are used for decorations. 

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